Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Search Engines Traffics Secrets ?

What is Search Engines Traffics ?
Many businesses may have thousands of doubts but only single idea how to turn their business profitable....SPENT LESS. But in actual fact , like no other business in various industries, they still need to find a way to get visits to their shops or websites via different platform which may cost them triples..

So, now can we get dozens of visits by spending triple less the amount we are spending today to get traffics to our business ? INTERNET EXPOSURES !

Let us studies how the strategies works ....

What is S.E.O?
SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. It is a process of arranging a web site's content to obtain higher rankings in various search engines and for you and your business to get the highest visibility among your competitors.

For the purpose of Internet Marketing Exposures and to gain maximum traffics from Search Engines, we will refer to Google, Yahoo! or Bing as a major web traffics contributors. We need  to Optimize the websites or Web stores in order to be found. And, this process is continual practice. Even if your site appeared immediately after you submitted it, you would still be faced with the problem of the engines eg . Google’s ever-changing algorithms. It is for this reason that you should never consider your SEO fully completed.

Why Link Partnerships ?
Spend some time looking for sites that are relevant to your own and already have a high page rank. This is because you need relevant partners to support you and value you as highly reliable business operators. Eg, when you sell a shoes (ABC Brands ), you need Shoes Magazines ( EFG ) to support your brands .

Get listed in the Best Search Engines
When submitting to search engines, you need to know which ones matter. Search engines are also the largest online advertising market in the US, accounting for 41 percent of ad revenue – currently an amazing $5.1 billion.

The Importance of Online Directories
Do not forget about Internet directories. Google, Yahoo and Bing are not the end of the world when it comes to getting your site noticed. The best place to begin is with the DMOZ Open Directory Project and the Yahoo Directory. Both contain lists of sites in the same way as a telephone directory contains numbers.

Setting up a Blog
People generally tend to write their general thoughts on these pages, either as a means for starting discussion or simply because they feel that the world needs to hear their opinions.Blogs were once only written by people with too much time on their hands or an overwhelming sense of self-importance. Then, blogs were taken on by companies and blogs started to appear that were written by senior people in large companies such as Microsoft and IBM.

Podcasting is a method of publishing news. As you may have guessed that the term derives from Apple’s iPod gadget, and the Podcasting phenomenon was heavily promoted by Apple’s iTunes music store, which will be discussed in more detail later. Users can subscribe to feeds of particular interest and automatically download new content that meets their subscription criteria. They are usually free of charge. It works on the same principle as blogging, but rather than the written word, it can be downloaded and listened to in the same way as a normal song or video.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising was hailed as a new dawn in the world of Internet marketing. In fairness, it did change the landscape of online advertising.While online marketing went through many forms, it was generally accepted that banners or other promotional media would be embedded in pages in the hope that a significant number of the people who saw an ad would click on it and buy the product or service. More on Google Ads

E-Cards and Postcards
These facilities are others that take obvious inspiration from viral marketing. If you are not aware of e-cards and postcards online, they are basically like your standard offline card, whereby they are addressed to a specific person and delivery to their ‘mailbox’. The difference is, however, that online cards can be animated, include sounds and, most importantly, live links to your website.

In conclusions, you may have a thousands of ways to make your business operated, it will be the same thing you need to find thousands of ways to get millions of traffics to your online business.

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