Sunday, September 23, 2007

How The "E-Systems" Affect The Change Of Management & Business Activities

The expectation of future management decision-maker.

The Year Past, the Year Ahead
Traditionally, this is the time of year to look back at the year past and forward to the year ahead. Information plays a vital role in our life for pass, current and future decade. Right now we are observing increasing hype about the wonders delivered by newest information technologies in an era characterized by knowledge and concern of information as a critical resource for business activity. With the advent of new technologies, such as data mining, intranets, video conferencing, and web casting, several technology vendors are offering such solutions as panaceas for the business challenges of the new knowledge era. The trade press coverage of the “productivity paradox” has further added to the speed of the information technology (IT) treadmill by suggesting that increasing investments in new information technologies should somehow result in improved business performance.

In the new information age, with the creation of new technology and the use of extranet, intranet and Internet, it allows the business to communicate internally and externally.

The Role of Information Technology in Managing Organisation Change and Organisation Interdependence.

1. How the new develop system or the technological change the traditional manual working style.

2. The electronic-way of working environment does affect the whole business process and change the style of management.

3. Environment Change, IT and organisation structure. The increasing global interdependencies and the accelerating pace of change demand more flexible and adaptive organisation.

4. IT as a solution to Environment Change. Effective implementation of IT would decrease vulnerability by reducing the cost of expected failures and enhance adaptability by reducing the cost of adjustment.

The IT’s role in Managing Organisation Change

1. Turbulent environment drives organisations to use IT for monitoring the preferences of the environment.

2. The environment drives organisations to use IT for translating the information on environmental preferences into goals.

3. Turbulent environment drives organisations to be make more use of IT for their “organic” characteristics- IT and Organic Structure.

4. The turbulent environment drives organisations to use IT for empowering workers at all levels , increase the span of control and also increasing lateral communication.

5. Turbulent environment drives organisations to use IT to reduce their “dimensions” by focusing on core competencies by leveraging their use of IT.

6. The IT Paradox- Increasingly turbulent environment would feed the need for further (and greater) advancements in IT which would further increase turbulence.

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